
Sponsorship makes it affordable for a wide variety of people to gather at this conference. Please consider this special support.

You can pledge your major sponsorship support now, for payment later this year.

Donors of $100 to $999 will be listed in conference materials as Prairie Stewards. All of this donation is qualified charitable deduction for income tax purposes. Generous individuals who help this way will be  

Major sponsors at $1,000 or more will also be listed and may choose to receive additional recognition, exhibitor booth space and/or complimentary conference registration.

To pledge your support or learn more, contact:

Penny Brown Huber
Prairie Rivers of Iowa
(515) 232-0048

Or mail your donation payable to Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation:
505 5th Ave., Ste. 444
Des Moines, IA 50309
*Please write NAPC 2021 in the memo line